The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Cherishing our husband or wife (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Thirteen :- Cherishing our husband or wife.
Sty in The Eye
Her father does not believe in hell and heaven but he donates for the Kathina merit and robe offerings at various temples. He still drinks alcohol and smokes cigarettes. Will the merit that he did occasionally made in his present life close the path to hell for him? What kamma caused her to have a sty in her eye every year and develop eye infections frequently? DMC has the answers.
Basic Meditation Method
Relaxation is the heart of meditation, and it has to go hand in hand with mindfulness, no matter which meditation technigue we apply. This is the main principle that we should take into account.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Generosity (7)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Fifteen :- Generosity.
Before No Mom to Hug
It took longer than ten minutes to get to the hospital. The doctor tried to pump up his heart, but because his brain didn’t receive oxygen for a long time, he then became a sleeping prince. He was asleep twenty-four hours a day. The last thing I was able to do for him was to have him listen to chanting for the nineteen days he was in a coma.
The Origin of the Singalovada Sutta
Once upon a time, there was young man named Singala who was extremely arrogant. Singala did not listen to his parents’ advice despite the fact they were already enlightened beings-thus he had no idea of right or wrong.
Very Poor
Example of stinginess of a woman who is an underground lottery dealer. In the past she had a good living lifestyle but she didn’t take care of her parents or her relatives even they were in a difficulty situation. After that she broke due to her business of underground lottery. Even in the last time of her life, she didn’t even have a coffin. There was only a mat to wrap her body before burning. How is her life after death? DMC has the answers.
How is a fool is and what are the ill-effects from associating with the fools?
The first auspiciousness of life teaches us not to associate with the fools. First of all, I’d like to know how a fool is like, and what the ill-effects from associating with the fools are.
Freedom From Religion: Buddhism Wins Best Religion in the World Award
What is the principle of “Sangha Dana”? f there is only one monk who receives our gifts, it can be counted as Sangha Dana? Which one gives us more merit between presenting gifts to the Order of Monks or to a specific one?
I’d like to ask Luang Phaw about the principle of “Sangha Dana” (presenting gifts to the Order of Monks), and if there is only one monk who receives our gifts, it can be counted as Sangha Dana or not? Also I’d like to know which one gives us more merit between presenting gifts to the Order of Monks or to a specific one.